APSTAR 7 was successfully launched and orbited at 76.5E in 2012. APSTAR 7 has four Ku-band regional beams and the largest geographic C-band coverage over all visible landmass, including all […]
APT Satellite organised a Satellite Knowledge Sharing Workshop at Male, Maldives. The workshop attracted all local TV channels and potential satellite users in Maldives, with around 30 participants. Honorably, the […]
APT Satellite presented in Asia Media Summit 2014, on 6-8 May in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with more adaptability and flexibility in diversified products, including innovative TV playout and broadcasting service, […]
In March 30 2014, APT Satellite successfully completed the antenna seeding program in Philippines and Vietnam. Hundreds of TVRO antenna systems were distributed to the cable TV operators in these […]
The APSTAR 9 CDR(Critical Design Review) was conducted successfully. After this milestone, the design phase is completed and manufacturer will start the manufacturing, integration and test phase. The progress and […]
On 24 March 2014, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of APT Satellite Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the audited financial results of the Company and its […]
APT Satellite exhibited in CABSAT 2014 on 11-13 March 2014 in Dubai. Over 12,000 trade visitors from 100+ countries attended the exhibition. The launch of APSTAR 7 satellite in 2012 […]
APT Satellite Company Limited entered into an agreement with CGWIC to procure APSTAR-9 communication satellite. APSTAR-9 is based on DFH-4 series platform provided by CASC (China Aerospace Science and Technology […]
APT Satellite held a two-weeks Satellite Technology Training for Bangladesh Television (“BTV”) technical staff. The training topic tapped aspects of satellite fundamental knowledge, satellite TV theory, and ground facility building […]